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Coronavirus- COVID-19 Virus

According to some of the latest news from the CDC, NIH and the recent information from Medscape, the coronavirus has begun to spread throughout the United States and most states are preparing for it to hit them also. I wanted to share some of the Facts and Myths of the Coronavirus or Covid19.. Information is power and the more knowledge we have the better we can all help prevent the spread of this serious virus. Make an appointment today if needed, visits starting at $29.99, on your mobile phone or computer. No need for increased risk of getting infected in waiting rooms.


· Myth: COVID-19 started in the "wet market" selling live animals in Wuhan, a city in central China.

· Fact: Data collection that might definitively prove the outbreak source is still underway, although coronaviruses are known to be zoonotic.

· SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans, and MERS-CoV was transmitted from dromedary camels to humans.

· Several coronaviruses known to be circulating in animals have not yet infected humans.

· Early in the COVID-19 outbreak, many patients in China had some connection to the Wuhan "wet market," consistent with animal-to-person transmission, but subsequent patients had no known exposure to animal markets, suggesting person-to-person spread.

· Sustained person-to-person transmission has been reported within China, in the United States, and in other countries.

· Genetic sequences of COVID-19 from US patients resemble those initially reported by China, consistent with a single, recent emergence of this virus from an animal reservoir.

· Myth: The COVID-19 outbreak started with a woman who ate bat soup.

· Fact: Bats are likely a natural reservoir for coronaviruses, but researchers believe COVID-19 was transmitted from bats to another animal before infecting humans.

· COVID-19 is a betacoronavirus like MERS and SARS, both of which use bats as a reservoir.

· Myth: The Chinese created a weaponized version of coronavirus and lost control of it.

· Fact: No evidence supports this theory, particularly as a weaponized virus would more likely be derived from a virus with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19.

· A Wuhan laboratory studies extremely dangerous pathogens, but there is no connection of this laboratory with the current outbreak.

· Since SARS outbreaks occurred in 2002-2003 in Canada and China, both countries continued to study coronavirus.

· To facilitate COVID-19 detection, Chinese health authorities first reported its full genome in GenBank and GISAID, and the CDC is reporting to GenBank the full genome of the COVID-19 viruses from US patients.

· The CDC has grown COVID-19 in cell culture to facilitate additional genetic characterization and other needed research and has sent it to NIH’s BEI Resources Repository for use by the global scientific community.

· Myth: Avoiding Chinese people is the best way to avoid contracting COVID-19.

· Fact: Close personal contact with infected persons, regardless of race or ethnicity, is the most likely way to become infected with COVID-19.

· Tens of thousands of COVID-19 infections have now been documented in China, but the United States and other countries have also reported cases, with some evidence of person-to-person transmission.

· Travel policies implemented by the US government include suspending entry to the United States of foreign nationals who visited China within the past 14 days and measures to detect COVID-19 among persons who are allowed entry into the United States (US citizens, residents, and family) who visited China within 14 days.

· The latter group is also subject to health monitoring and possible quarantine for ≤ 14 days.

· A CDC Level 3 Travel Health Notice issued on January 27, 2020, recommended that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to all of China.

· The CDC urges clinicians to be vigilant for patients with fever and respiratory symptoms after recent travel in China and to follow infection control procedures.

· Risk for infection depends on exposure and is higher among healthcare workers for patients infected with COVID-19 and among other close contacts of patients with COVID-19.

· The immediate health risk from COVID-19 is currently considered to be low for the general American public, who are unlikely to be exposed to COVID-19.

· The CDC encourages recommended use of the influenza vaccine, daily infection precautions, and taking antiviral medications if prescribed.

· Persons who develop symptoms after close contact with someone infected with COVID-19 should contact their healthcare provider, and persons with the illness should follow CDC guidance on how to prevent transmission to others.

· Myth: Drinking bleach keeps the virus away.

· Fact: The FDA warns against this, as it can cause serious health risks and adverse events.

· Myth: Coronavirus is transmitted off packages mailed from China.

· Fact: The virus is transmitted through respiratory droplets. There are currently no confirmed reports of this, and it is highly unlikely, according to the CDC.

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